Guaranteed minimum mileage 40,000 kms.
Warranty must be loaded at the time of purchase by The Tyre Clinic store or one of their agents. An SMS will be sent to you, please let us know if you haven't received the SMS within 5 minutes.
Compulsory Alignment at time of purchase.
Compulsory rotations every 10,000 kms (+ or – 1000kms) by The Tyre Clinic or one of their agents. There is no charge for the rotation, and balancing is optional (charged at the store's rate).
Compulsory Alignment 20,000 kms (+ or – 1000kms).
To claim on a warranty you must produce proof of the servicing, this is the client's responsibility.
The short-fall of kilometres will be converted into a dollar amount based off the original purchase price, and then credited off the replacement tyre (the amount is a credit only).
The mileage warranty and credit is based off the tyre only. All labour costs and Tyrewise fees are excluded.
Warranty expires in 3 years.
The Tyre Clinic has the right not to offer a mileage warranty if they feel the distance won't be achieved.